About Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer
Gathered in Christ. Sent to serve.
Who we are
We come from varied backgrounds: Lutheran and non-Lutheran, US born and immigrant, LGBTQIA+ and straight.
What we all share is that we have found a home at LCCR and we are family. We come together around our love for God, our love for each other, our love of the community and our love for all of creation.
We warmly invite you to join us for worship or any other event you see on our calendar. We can’t wait to get to know you and to find out in what ways you will bless this family with your own gifts.
At LCCR, we gather for weekly worship with music, prayer, scripture, and communion. Like all families, we come together and then we go out.
The LCCR family goes out into the world, fueled by the love and grace of Jesus Christ to act with mercy and work for justice for all peoples and all the earth.
Knowing that God has entrusted each of us, God’s beloveds, with stewardship of this beautiful creation and care of our neighbors, near and far, we share our resources (time, energy, and money) where there is need.
Intergenerational focus
We believe the interaction between people of all ages enriches our congregation. We regularly schedule events with an intergenerational focus. All are welcome, young and old, to our weekly worship and Holy Communion.
Great music
At LCCR, we find that great music enhances our weekly worship experience. We embrace a variety of music styles, from pipe organ contatas to West African hymns presented by our Togolese choir.
Go ahead and ask us how we managed to fit a pipe organ into our 1800 sq ft sanctuary...